Error with Imesh Login credentials

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Instead of providing the correct Email and password iMesh is providing the error message which you can see at the below image. I have credentials even then it is showing this.

‘iMesh Login
The email and password you have entered do not match our records.
Please enter your email address and password again.’
Answered By 30 points N/A #150240

Error with Imesh Login credentials

Hi there,
Unfortunately, there is no easy solution of your problem. 
Firstly you have to make sure that your email and password are correct. To do that visit the iMesh website. Password recovery is a simple process that will be over in a minute. All you need is the email you've used to register to the iMesh.
If they are correct and you're still getting this error, there is nothing to do except reinstalling the iMesh.

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