Error 224606 in MIO Software installation

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all.

I get this error -224606: "Internal Software Error occurred in MIO software. Please contact National Instruments Support."

This occurs after trying to use the DAQmx Control to abort a task which is postponed for a digital trigger of an analog collection without timeout. My system is LabVIEW 2010 sp 1, version of DAQmx is 9.2.3. My device is DAQPad-6016.
I can run all properly when I am using this software on a USB-6251.

Any help will really be appreciated.

Thank you.


Answered By 5 points N/A #92323

Error 224606 in MIO Software installation


Dear Joanna,

The below mentioned two steps can be performed to resolve the issue

  1. A Self test should be executed on the device in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX). This is achieved by the following step: – Right Click on the device and click Self-Test. If the Self test is executed successfully check if the channels are functioning as normal. This is done by the assistance of the test panels.
  2. Upgrade or reinstall the DAQmx driver. Ensure that apt drivers are added to the remote controller in case it is found out that the error is being shown by data acquisition or signal conditioning cards. It might be feasible that the error is a result of driver corruption. Hence it is wise to do a fresh install or try upgrading the drivers.

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