Desktop folders not showing when sending email attachment

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I used to save folder on my desktop so I can easily access it when I need it. But when I am trying to send an email with attachments, the desktop folders are not showing on the list. I can still send attachments but I can only see folders and sub-folders from my Libraries, Documents, Favorites etc. except for the folders on my desktop. How can I fix it?

Best Answer by lee hung
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 75 points N/A #115019

Desktop folders not showing when sending email attachment


Hello Adrian Cook,

So you are saying that when you try to attach a file that you have put on a folder on the desktop to your email, you are not able to access the folder, but when you view the desktop without doing the attachments you can see the folder, or what exactly is your situation?

If that is the case then I will suggest that you try moving the files that you will need to attach to a folder in a different location like my documents of my favorites and try attaching the file to your email from there and see it will work that way.

Otherwise you may just try refreshing the desktop and try attaching the file again and see what happens this time.

Hope this helps.


Lee Hung


Answered By 10 points N/A #115021

Desktop folders not showing when sending email attachment


Hello Adrain,

Note that it is not possible for you to send files through an email when they are in the folder format. You will need to do the following to be able to send those files:

  • First, you can choose to attach the individual files that are in the folder onto the email and then send them that way. But it will be hectic attaching all the files in case they are many. That is why I recommend the next workaround.
  • You will need to install WinRAR on your computer, and then you will use it to convert the folder into a zipped format. That will reduce the size of the folder as well as make it possible for you to just attach the whole of it to the email.

Hope this helps.




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