Could not download SERPAttacks SEO Software with Linux

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi. I tried the free SERPAttacks SEO software in my Linux. I downloaded it but it shows an error ‘An unexpected error happened, please email a screen shot of error to SERPattacks support. Cannot load fbclient.dll library (error code 126). The fbclient.dll library may be missing from the system path or you may have an incompatible version of the library installed.’ Is it compatible with Linux? Anyone who have any ideas please help me. Thank you.



An unexpected error happened, please email a screen shot of error to SERPattacks support. Cannot load fbclient.dll library (error code 126). The fbclient.dll library may be missing from the system path or you may have an incompatible version of the library installed.


Answered By 0 points N/A #93207

Could not download SERPAttacks SEO Software with Linux




Here is the solution of the given question you have asked. The problem you are facing is that you are not getting the software to properly download and run on the Linux system. The software you are using is not compatible but not in this way that it does not work on Linux it does but limited work like some things cannot run on the Linux in this software so you need 2 things to do:

1. Download this software from anywhere else not from Linux from WINDOWS OS and then install this software.

2. After doing the above point it still does not work then use the software which is compatible with Linux

This is the solution of the problem you are facing so do the above task and then check will it work or not. Hopefully it will work on your Linux properly.

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