Basic Info about Lime wire

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have no info about lime wire.I want to know what is lime wire and where can i get it ? Is there any risks associated with using lime wire ?

Answered By 0 points N/A #133231

Basic Info about Lime wire


Basically LimeWire is a file sharing program that runs on operating systems like windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other operating systems supported by the java software platform.

It uses gnutella network. It was developed by Lime Wire LLC and the free software version and the purchasable version are available on their website. However they were involved in a US federal court case in October 26, 2010 that prevented them from basically all functionality that includes searching, downloading, uploading, file trading or file distribution. It was resurrected in 2022 and version 5.5.10 and all predecessor versions are available.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #133232

Basic Info about Lime wire


If you still have no idea what LimeWire is, it is a free P2P or peer-to-peer file sharing client application on Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux operating systems. It utilized the gnutella network including the BitTorrent protocol. It is available in a purchasable “enhanced” version and a free version. Support for BitTorrent is supported by libtorrent.

United States federal court judge Kimba Wood, in October 26, 2010, released an order obliging LimeWire to avoid “the searching, downloading, uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality, and/or all functionality” of its program in the case “Arista Records LLC v. Lime Group LLC”. It was arranged in January 2011 for the trial to begin examining the damages required to reimburse the affected record labels.

The outcome of the injunction forced LimeWire to stop distributing the LimeWire software where version 5.5.11 and later have been disabled by means of a backdoor installed by the company. On the other hand, version 5.5.10 and earlier stay fully functional and there is no way of disabling them unless the user upgrades to any of the later versions.

But even if LimeWire stopped and killed the software, it was revived by the makers of WireShare which is known as LimeWire Pirate Edition in the past. LimeWire was written using the Java programming language and this enables it to run on any operating system that has Java Virtual Machine.

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