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How do I install Exchange 2007 to a Windows Server 2003? My computer has Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU [email protected] 2GB of RAM

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My computer is on Vista and the problem that I’m having is that it freezes every few minutes regardless of the activity on the computer. I have asked Dell for support and they had me restore it, told me it would be fine. Here are the specs:...

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What could cause the following message to appear when opening certain emails in Outlook 2007?

"Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger"

"An unhanded win32 exception occurred in OUTLOOK.EXE [3580]."

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I have successfully installed Oracle 8.0 to my Windows 7 32 bit notebook but when I start the database, it says it could not be started. It also doesn’t start using Services.

MSC Aside from this, it also tells me that it is unable to connect to TNS when I...

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I want to have both Windows XP and 7 on my laptop. I need to have XP for work and 7 for personal use. How can I do this?

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Outlook express downloads 2 copies of all emails. What can I do to fix this? The only different thing that happened was that Microsoft did an update.

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Whenever I use any command on the command prompt, I always get the message “<any command I enter> is not recognized as an external or internal command, operable program or batch file”. I have vista on my computer. Please help.

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I have Windows 7 on my HP desktop. When I start my computer, I always get the following error: Please set registry key HKLMSoftwareMicrosoft/.Net FrameworkInstall Root to point to the .NET Framework install location. What is this?

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I am replacing my existing 

I am replacing my Windows Server 2003 with a new one. My office has 10 users. I want to move all the existing settings like user accounts, MS exchange, etc. What’s the easiest way to do this?

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Hi! I am having a problem with Windows 7 installation in my laptop. Some days ago I formatted Local Disk C. After that I started to install Windows 7. But, at the end of the installation process the below error is showing:

" Windows...

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