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I was starting OpenOffice 2.2 on my Mac when I randomly I got this error, see below. 

This was weird because I was able to use it just yesterday. 

I tried reinstalling but the same error happened.  

I tried searching the web but to no avail of finding any possible solution. 

Any advice...

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Hi Experts,

I am new to MS SQL and I am using it with Visual Studio 2005.  I was developing a simple system and tried creating a table but then I got this error message, see below.  I have searched the web but couldn’t find a suitable answer.  Any help...

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I am a Google Chrome user and still want to be.  Google Chrome was working fine yesterday, but today I suddenly receive this error message stating the Google Chrome has crashed. 

I tried restarting and also reinstalling Google Chrome, but the same error happened. 

I don’t want to switch to a...

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 I want to be able to make Power Point presentations using my iPod. Can you tell me how to go about it?

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I was wondering why Dreamweaver doesn’t allow hyphenated words in a page; words like mother-in-law, etc. 

It converts to motherinlaw which is definitely wrong, right. 

Is this a known bug in Dreamweaver? 

If so, is there a workaround for this? 

Please help.  Need this ASAP. 

See screenshot of error message:




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I backed up my computer files to an external hard disk drive in case my computer crashes and I need to reformat it.

Can you give my help me on how to back up my browser as well?

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I was updating a page in Dreamweaver when I got this error or warning message. 

It was a bit confusing though.  So I went on updating but then I couldn’t save the page. 

I tried to delete several drawings but still I couldn’t save the page. 

Anyone who knows something about the...

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I frequently download music and have used Kazaa, Limewire, and Morpheus but I am wary of their spyware. Can you suggest other free software for downloading music?

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I am using a Mac for processing of thousands of my images.  I just got an HP Media Vault MV2010 to backup these images together with old backup software, NTI Shadow.   But when I started the backup process, I got this error message, see below.  I have checked the...

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 I would like to find a software for creating Newsletters. I want one that is easy to navigate and very user friendly. Can you give me suggestions?

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