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Yesterday, I plug my wireless Mouse and Keyboard in my Desktop to take effect I restart my desktop when booting up no errors in the screen but.

The keyboard and mouse are not functioning the Light of the mouse are ok. I cannot use my mouse and keyboard its because...

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I play KOS and RAGNAROK Online last night.

When I’m in the meddle of Playing online games.

My computer display BLUE SCREEN.

I restart my computer. Then my computer back to normal

On the next day I play again, then its appears a BLUE SCREEN again

So I restart it.

The blue screen appears over...

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Good day!

How can i remove a installed anti virus? im going to install a new one but the old program cannot be removed, the OS im using is windows xp, i tried using the control panel> add remove programs, but im having errors. Is there a program that can...

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In a last few days, my Microsoft office could not run or open.

Its beaus when I try to open the MS word there is a message display


I try to fix those errors using tune-up utilities 2011 but they could not fix the...

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In the fast few weeks, my computer runs slow.

When booting up it take 5 minutes to open.

So I run my ccleaner, no errors found. I use defragment to fix the errors in my system it is ok no errors found. But when I run my AVG anti virus they...

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I've been trying to figure this out, I have three columns of data A,B and C. What I want to do is this, if the cell in column B and C contain data, I need to change the color of the text in the corresponding row in column...

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Good day!

How can I fix the adobe flash player plugin that always crashes?

I tried uninstalling and installing a fresh version but still it always crash,

I even tried using older versions and tried using different browser but still its not working,

I haven't experience this of error when using my Ubuntu...

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Good day!

I have a netbook (acer aspire zg5, the 8gb ssd version) and im currently using ubuntu, what softwares are recommended to enjoy and utilize ubuntu? and what additional tweeks / edit settings can be done to improve the performance of my netbook? Lastly, what should be done to...

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I have been writing a side scrolling shooter in visual studio with opengl. I draw the level with GL_QUADSTRIP that reads its points in from a .DAT file.

The DAT file looks like this
# level length
# level speed (used for development/testing)
# ground data

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I have needed to downloading AVG antivirus. But I do not download it . Many more times I,v trying to download this antivirus.

I know it is very good to use and it is so safety and secure antivirus. I also have downloaded it before very easily .

I need help...

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