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I installed Sony vegas pro 9 in my new laptop to enable me make professional audio and video productions. The other day when I tried to edit some sound I had recorded before to SFX sound effects, I got this error message. What went wrong?


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I downloaded Adobe After effects CS4 version for Macintosh from the Adobe website into my Toshiba laptop.

I followed the download instructions to the latter with the plug-ins folder meant for After Effects containing the 64-bit plug-in.

Whenever I try to open the After Effects, I get the following error.

Someone help...

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I am facing some problem with my sound card. When I set up windows XP then it can't detect sound card atomically. Then I download driver from the internet. But it doesn't install in my computer. I can't find out what's reason behind it?
Please help me. My driver name : Sound max...

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I allowed my 5 years old to play a game on my computer and when he was finished, this was on the screen. He said he tried to close it but it just kept popping up again and again. I'm pretty sure I have a virus now because it...

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In my office network I have connected 5 PCs through a router. I want to expand the network with another 5 PCs but I don't have a switch. I have DSL modem. Can the DSL modem be used as a switch or not?

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The other day I installed Sony Vegas Pro 9 into my computer which uses Windows 7 64-bit version. When I tried to open it, it brought the error message below.

So I decided to confirm whether the Twain_32.dll file was in the Windows folder of my hard drive and confirmed...

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I have an Excel spreadsheet which gets some of its information from an Access database. I have written several macros in this spreadsheet using Visual Basic code. I find that gives me more flexibility than just recording my keystrokes. I would somehow like to create a macro in this spreadsheet which...

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My Microsoft Outlook does not seem to be downloading new incoming emails real-time. In fact, it does not download any incoming emails or even send outgoing emails without me clicking on the Send/Receive button first. I have my work email address configured in my Outlook and I often get...

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I am using windows XP. From last couple of weeks when I open my mp3 songs folders, some files appear in blue color and some appear in default black color as shown in the image below.

Can someone please tell me its reason.


blue color and some appear in default...</p> <br/><br/><a href=Read more

I want to have a copy of Adobe Photoshop CS on my computer.

So, I tried to copy and paste from other computer and run it on my computer and got this error.

I try reinstalling the product, but problem still occurs.

I cannot contact Adobe Technical Support because I’m afraid. I’m...

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