When I am working with SSIS and Microsoft Excel I got stuck up with an error message. For your information I am using Microsoft Office 11.0 object Library and windows server 2008. The problem triggered when I execute the open function. After a small research found that it works well with other 32 version. How to fix the issue in 64 bit version? Please help me. Thanks a lot.
Microsoft Excel cannot access the file ‘C:Program Files (x86)Pertrac Financial solutionsPERTRAC POWERLINKadxloader.PerTrac.PowerLink.dll’. There are several possible reasons:
The file name or path does not exist.
The file name is being used by another program.
The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.
Answered By
XenApp 6.5, Citrix UPM and Microsoft Office Errors
It looks like an add-in for MS Excel is making this trouble. As the file might be corrupted or Excel don’t have permission for that file to access.
Firstly, right-click on MS Excel, select “Run as administrator”. This will give administration privilege to Excel to access the file.
If this is giving you so much trouble, you may remove this add-in from your Excel.
1. Start Excel.
2. Go to File >> Option.
3. From the right pane, select “Add-Ins”.
4. From the bottom layer drop-down option after “Manage”, select “Excel add-ins” >> hit “Go…”.
5. From the table appears, select the add-in and then remove it.
You may also give an Office reparation.
1. Go to Start menu >> Control Panel >> Programs >> Programs and Features.
2. Right-click on MS Office and select “Change”.
3. When prompted, select “Repair”.