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Posted on - 10/01/2011
When I'm trying to run .msi file, the following message appears:

Windows Installer
The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.
I searched the problem and I tried to follow Microsoft solution:
– I checked that the installer service was running
– I re-registered Windows Installer  (the error occurred again)
– I re-installed Windows Installer (the error occurred again)
Nothing worked out. Any suggestions?
Windows Installer Service problem with msi files
There must be other files missing or services not enabled to your operating system that is hard to find. Try performing an operating system repair, it will definitely solve the problem without deleting your files. It is an easy sure way without any casualties. I know because I already experience it with my PC and I just repaired the operating system and it returns to its normal way of running and reading .msi files is no problem anymore.
If you don't know how to do it, ask someone who has more knowledge to do it for you. Or you can search the net for tutorials on how to repair operating system.
Windows Installer Service problem with msi files
Hello Anthony_21,
If the error did not start occurring long ago, or this is the first time you are receiving that kind of error, then I will suggest that you use the system restore feature. Click start on your computer and them type system restore in the search field and then press enter to open the system restore window.
When the window opens, choose to restore the system to about three days back or even more.
If that does not work just yet, click on start on your computer and then RUN. In the RUN dialog box type in SERVICES.MSC and then press enter on the keyboard or click on OK. In the windows installer dialog box scroll down and then check whether it is running and stop the service. Restart the service again.
Thereafter try carrying out the installation again.
Clair Charles
Windows Installer Service problem with msi files
Maybe when you install the windows there an error file after your install. Try to check the installer CD if it’s there an error file or maybe an corrupted files from the installer and then try to check the installer of the windows installer service from your MSI files if there an error or corrupted files and then just simply check the software if its compatible to the windows that you install to your system and then to check the error just simply download the Error repair tool just do that one and then after that if your finishing download the Error repair tool just simply install and open the tool and then scan your machine and repair the found errors just try that one to your system.