Wifi reception is too slow on iPad 3

WiFi reception is too slow on iPad 3 and sometimes the reception bar is not visible.
Do I need to go for a refund claim?
Or else there is any easy solution.

WiFi reception is too slow on iPad 3 and sometimes the reception bar is not visible.
Do I need to go for a refund claim?
Or else there is any easy solution.
Please give it a try to fix this first by yourself before you decide to call apple customer care. If your 3rd gen iPod has no signal yet after you tried all these procedures I gave you below, I think it is better you consider to contact apple now through this number 1800-1651-0525 or you might as well visit
Apple Service Center nearest to you. After all the complaints and explanations you did and you still feel like you do not deserve what you paid for them so go for refund.
Please check this easy to follow procedures.
1. Open the settings tab and click on General
2. Click for Network and then the WiFi tabs
3. Select the blue arrow near the wireless router where you are connected
4. On the next screen you tap Forget this Network
5. Go back and connect to WiFi again
or you may try this one if the above is not effective
1. Click “General” then “Reset” from Settings
2. Reset Network Settings will appear on the screen then tap it
3. Reboot the iPod
4. Try to connect to a wireless network again
A reason for this issue may be that you are not connecting to the 802.11n technology because maybe you are not meeting the requirements that the "n" technology offers (abour 100 Mbps).
So, make sure that you have WPA2 for authentication/encryption configured on your access point or wireless router, otherwise you will have only 54 Mbps tops and even less if you have other devices connected to the wireless network because WiFi is a shared-medium technology and you will see all of this as a slow connection on you iPad.
I have an iPad too and I can see the network very slow if it is no using its full potential and the 802.11n rates so maybe this is what is happening to you too.