WiFi Is Disconnected Automatically From Amazon Alexa

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have purchased a new Amazon Alexa but it does not stay connected to the WiFi. Each time I connect to the WiFi, it disconnects automatically after some time. How can I fix this?

Answered By 0 points N/A #317974

WiFi Is Disconnected Automatically From Amazon Alexa


Yes, there is a solution to every problem. Not only Alexa, but most of the smart speakers face the same problem. Try the ones below

  1. The first thing you can try is to switch off everything connected to Alexa like Echo, router, and modem. Then reboot all of them.
  2. Otherwise, move the speaker from the devices(not too far away so that they are out of range)but keep it close to the router. Then switch it over to a 5 GHz network to decrease the interference.
  3. If nothing works, the only way is to contact Amazon support.

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