Hello to all,
I have just installed a software called Archicad 13 on my system. Now when I tried to open the software I double clicked on the Archicad 13 icon and I got this error message that says:
The error reads as:
Error! No WIBU-Key driver found. (501)
I restarted my computer but still the same error persisted. I then uninstalled and reinstalled it but still the same error popped up.
Has anyone else encountered this problem before? Please do let me know if you have any ideas regarding the issue. I'll be really thankful.
Kindest regards
WIBU software error key driver not found 501
Hi Steve,
That's a good question you have asked there. I haven't experienced such a problem before but I think I'm in a good position to help you as having some little experience on I.T.
The main thing you need to start with is knowing first the cause of the problem then how to go about it on rectifying. The main cause of the problem in this case is the WIBU-key driver which most probably has an error or not installed with the archicad 13 software.
You can update the WIBU driver software from the Graphisoft website. This you will do by going to http://www.graphisoft.com/downloads/protection_key.html and download the key drivers.
You can also uninstall the software and reinstall it with the wibu driver software separately. This should be able to solve the problem.
Restart your system later and it should be working normally without the errors.
I hope this solves your query
WIBU software error key driver not found 501
You need to install WIBU-KEY drivers in order run Archicad 13.You need to download WIBU-KEY drivers for your mac operating system.
Click on the below link to download WIBU-KEY drivers.
Click below to know more about the installation process.
Thank you.
WIBU software error key driver not found 501
Key driver not found 501 in WIBU software error may be solved if you know a simple guide before installing and using it. You should checkout the requirement first. So learn how to install key driver as well as others in a suitable method to minimize the errors from http://support.wibu.de/en/faq/install.html
WIBU software error key driver not found 501
Hello Steve,
To resolve that issue, you will need to do the following: