Whenever I turn the 3G on in my Samsung Galaxy Tab, the WiFi turns ON and turns OFF randomly so I tried to disable the 3G because when it is off, the WiFi is set to always on and when I forgot to turn it off, the WiFi will be turned off.
Any suggestions how to stop this?
Wi-Fi turns on when 3G is enabled on Samsung Galaxy Tab
Maybe that’s how your device works when 3G is active your WiFi will randomly go on and off. Check in your phone’s manual if this is the device’s behavior when 3G is active. If the phone’s manual doesn’t say anything about this, try turning off your phone for a couple of minutes.
When the phone is already off open its back cover then remove its battery. Keep the battery detached for a couple of minutes until your phone is completely discharged of the battery’s supply. Then after a while, attach the battery again then start again your phone and do a test if it’s still the same.
If nothing has changed, try activating or deactivating your phone’s WiFi feature. From your phone’s Home screen, tap Apps
, Settings
, and then Wireless and networks
. Next, tap WiFi to activate or deactivate this feature. A green checkmark on the box indicates that this feature is activated.
Tap it again to remove the checkmark and deactivate WiFi from your phone.