Why is there no video on f1 2012 steam?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have updated my f1 2011 to the new f21 2012 steam. However, when it started, the video halted but there was a sound. I tried to reinstall the update but still got the same results. Why is there no video on f1 2012 steam? Did I miss installing anything?

Answered By 0 points N/A #167743

Why is there no video on f1 2012 steam?


One thing that you might be missing here is an updated adobe flash player, which is the culprit in most situations with gaming environment. SO make sure you do check that you are all set with that. Best thing to do would be to uninstall the entire game from your system in one go. And then get the adobe flash player installed fresh from adobe website. Then you can go ahead and start installing the F1 2012. In the meantime, do check whether your gaming resolution and screen resolution are compatible or not.

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