I have noticed that some of the drivers on my Windows operating system are not working properly. I have tried to update some of them but so far that has not worked. I would like to know the possible cause of this malfunction and also why is it that the drivers do not want to respond to update request?
What tools Would You Require to Repair Unresponsive Drivers?
Options in updating your drivers;
1. Using Windows update – Click Start and type in the search box "Update", select Windows Update.

2. Update directly from the Manufacturer's site.- go directly to the drivers' update page.
Do note that your specific driver will not be updated if there is no newer version available.
What tools Would You Require to Repair Unresponsive Drivers?
Not updating the drivers on your operating system doesn’t mean that they will malfunction or will stop working in the future. And sometimes a driver doesn’t need to be updated to continue working. The operating system or Microsoft Windows provides an update function for every driver that is installed on the computer.
Updating the drivers is actually optional and depends on the device where the driver is associated to. For example, you installed an NVIDIA graphics adapter on your computer. Since NVIDIA regularly releases updates for their devices, you can update the driver of your NVIDIA graphics accelerator. Installing the latest driver doesn’t make the device to work faster.
It only improves the performance and lessens the errors committed during operation. Updates contain fixes to the bugs that were detected on the previous version. In case the driver doesn’t update when updating it via the Device Manager, try updating it by visiting the manufacturer’s website and downloading the latest version.
Like for example if you have an NVIDIA video card and it doesn’t update when you do it within the Device Manager, visit NVIDIA Driver Downloads using your web browser and download the latest driver specific for your video card model. This way, your graphics adapter’s driver will surely be updated. Just run the installer after downloading to update your video card’s driver.