Hi to everyone,
What is a remote login script for windows? Is there a tutorial about remote log in scripts which is compatible with windows operating systems such as windows 7, windows xp, windows vista and more? I am using java script and php programming languages.
Thank you.
What is a remote login script for windows?
Well Deborah Hall,
You can create this script with PSExec or without it.
With PSExec:
1. You need to be connect with VPN.
2. Then run a batch file with given code:
tskill appname.exe
MSTSC.EXE /v :< computer name>
3. Login to remote pc.
Without PSExec:
Create a batch file with given command:
taskkill /S computer name /U domainuser /IM app.exe
Now start a remote desktop session, you can use Remote Admin, VPN, Ping or as you like.
What is a remote login script for windows?
You can access one computer from another computer by using remote login on running windows, but it is only possible if both computers are connected to the same network or Internet connection.
This facility allows you to do work on computer programs, files, and network resources from your personal computer to another computer on your network. Through a remote login it is easy to work on your computer by sitting in front of an added computer.
It is easy to use this facility in your window operated system
Process to connect:
1. Turn on your computer.
2. Connect to the network
3. Enable remote desktopÂ
4. Click on the start button and type mstc in run and press enter, it will connect you.
 You must have permission to connect, for this you must be on the list of users.
What is a remote login script for windows?
You can connect with any computer with TeamViewer software. Just need the software to be installed on the both the computers with the same version of the software. Latest version of TeamViewer is 7.0 and can be downloaded from below link.
Install and run the software in both computers. You will see below screen:
Let’s say the computer 1 connects to computer 2 then the Computer 1 is the client and the computer 2 is the server.
Obtain the ID field of TeamViewer in the server computer
Click on connect to partner in client computer.
You will be prompt to enter the password. Once the password is entered you will be connected to the other computer.