I have my laptop in good condition. When I tried to update an application, it gave me an error saying Windows 10 update error 0x80072af9. I left it, thinking that there is some problem with that application. Now, whenever I try to update something, it is giving me the same error. What can help me now?
What Is Windows-10 Update Error 0x80072af9?
The problem in every case says that there is some problem with the actual system. To get rid of this error, you should solve the original windows error. Any improper files or corrupted files will lead to this error. A virus attack or improper use of the laptop will also cause damage, which results in these errors. Sometimes simply changing the mode to tablet mode for updates and switching it after the update will also solve your problem. Check the network connection also. Sometimes the interfering of antivirus will also cause this. Disable the antivirus and try once.