What is the exchange 2010 activesync setup?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi, I was learning how to use Exchange 2010 and came across a term called exchange 2010 activesync setup. I want to know more about it. Reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

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Answered By 20 points N/A #329845

What is the exchange 2010 activesync setup?


Hi, I will teach you what exchange 2010 activesync setup is and its uses. The active sync feature is used in Exchange to allow different devices to have the same set of mails despite having logged in at different times and being stored for the duration of the login time and usage.

The feature name derives from the protocol named ActiveSync, which allows devices to synchronize emails, calendars, contacts, etc, from a remote server to a local computer. By default, the feature is enabled.

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