What is IP address? How it is important?

Hello Dear,
Thanks for sharing.
Dear IP is the short form of TCP/IP. It stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
In fact the IP address is the address of client on the network.
As the each body has own address. Same as it, each computer attached to the network has its own IP address.
The IP address can be stated as this format.
This is called IP address. Without IP address, network will not identify the computer and will not allow the transmission of data to and from the computer.
I hope you got the answer.
Hi Saul,
IP stands for Internet Protocol. Each laptop/ computer has its own unique IP address. The reason why it's important is that providers are able to trace back to the users. For instance you download an illegal music video. Once they are able to trace your IP address they can demand the providers your particulars if needed. In other words, once someone knows your IP address they are able to check which sites you have visited.