I admit that I am really confuse about this RSS feed. This for me is really complex. I've tried to read few articles about this but still it seems complicated for me. In a brief explanation, can someone tell me the importance of this?
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15 points
What is the importance of RSS Feed?
Hi Bridgette,
In my opinion, I will say RSS Feeds serve a similar functionality as newsletters. But for RSS feeds, you subscribe to the sites that you most frequently access. For instance if you access yahoo most of the time and your interest there is mostly reading entertainment news, you can subscribe to such kind of RSS feeds in that every time you access the website, the information that you mostly view will pop up in form of feeds so that you do not have to go through the whole website searching piece by piece.
Hope this helps
What is the importance of RSS Feed?
About RSS, Actually it is not difficult, but you should understand it correctly. Actually it is a communication media. It helps to make a great connection with the customers without vesting extra resources.
I will explain this with very simple example. Think about a seller who sells plastic items in your street. One day you went to him and ask for a 10 liter plastic basket that he did not had at the time. He said Sorry, No I don’t have. After few days when you passing through the shop, he will talk to you and say, Sir the kind of basket you searched is available now.
That is what RSS is exactly done. It takes a feedback from the customer and inform him to satisfy his needs.
I hope you will understand the concept
Thank you