What are the features of jQuery lightbox ?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi All

I want to know the details of Jquery php Lightbox. What are the features of jquery lightbox? Is colour box and jquery php lightbox same thing ?

Best Answer by Carlson Tracy
Answered By 0 points N/A #168977

What are the features of jQuery lightbox ?


Hello David,

There is no difference between Jquery php Lightbox and colour box. It supports photos, groupings, slideshow, ajax, inline. It is lightweight 10KB of java script. The appearance is controlled with CSS so it can not be restyled. Preloads upcoming images into a photo group. It is currently in use in over 600.000 websites. These are the details about color box.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #168978

What are the features of jQuery lightbox ?


They are just of the same thing actually. But I believe, jquery lightbox is more advanced than the colour box. It has more features compared to colour box. Here are the features of jquery box. Slideshow with autostart option

Thumbnail and code generator for Windows & MAC
XHTML compliant
Zoom effect with overlay shadow
Rounded corners of overlay window
Large images fit to browser window
Overlay floating – image floats on scroll staying always visiable
Smooth cross-fade transition & animation
Image preloading after the page is loaded
Keyboard navigation
Graceful degradation when javascript is not available
A lot of nice gallery themes
Image rotating and hi-quality image scaling with anti-aliasing
Automatic thumbnail creation
Adding caption
Built-in FTP


I hope this helps you.

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