What Advantages Does Linux OS Have Over Windows?

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -

I would like to know all advantages the Linux operating system has over the Windows operating system. What special things can you do in Linux that you cannot accomplish in Windows environment? Is Linux more powerful than Windows and why do you think so? How can I deploy the power of Linux operating system to gain competitive advantage when it comes to using the computer to perform certain functions? Which functions can a Linux machine perform admirably than a Windows machine?

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Answered By points N/A #186199

What Advantages Does Linux OS Have Over Windows?



Linux is definitely an awesome OS with many advantages over Windows. At the same time, some disadvantages are present as well.

In order to install Linux, you don’t have to work so hard. Retrieving a copy of installation media is easily available on the web as ISO files. You can either use CD/DVD or USB flash drive to install Linux.

The security is its biggest advantage. Since the starting, there’s only 15-20 issues found with Linux. Without this, no other flaw was found.

It’s lightweight and super-fast. Running Linux in older computer is also supported. It consumes less RAM space, less CPU power, less disk space which makes working with it faster than Windows – where Windows requires large disk space and heavier consumption of hardware resources.

Linux is best for working purpose. It loads faster and work smooth that makes your work go smooth.

The UI is also super-cool. The theme is changeable, customizable easily.

Linux is open-source and softwares are found in a large scale nowadays.

If you wish to have Linux for yourself, I recommend Ubuntu and Fedora.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #186201

What Advantages Does Linux OS Have Over Windows?


The one thing I like about the Linux operating system is the fact that it is totally free. It is free for all users. If you wish to try it on your computer, you just need to download the ISO file from the Linux official website, burn it on a blank DVD disc, boot the computer using the CD, and then install Linux on your PC.

That simple. You don’t need to pay any fees for using the operating system. Unlike with Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, both of these operating systems are for commercial use and can’t be used without purchasing them. The only difference between the two is that Mac OS X is relatively cheaper compared to Microsoft Windows.

The only problem I see with Linux that’s why I haven’t tried it yet is compatibility. Similar to Microsoft Windows 8, there isn’t much software that supports Linux especially the drivers you used on your devices. But it does allow you to run Microsoft Windows applications though not directly. You need to do several things before you can finally run the application.

Here’s an example of running Spotify on Linux. Visit Spotify Fails to Open in Linux.

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