Hello! How can we use the search engines in a more effective way is my question. I mean if I have a particular query, lets say I want to know the name of all the famous Hollywood actors who never got an Oscar, I know there can be multiple ways of writing a query on a search engine for this question. But what would be the shortest and most effective way of asking this question. What are some of the ways through which we can search for results efficiently?
Using search engines especially Google effectively
Google is the biggest search engine.As you type in the search engine a couple of words, you get a lot of results. So before you start searching, first set in your mind, what kind of information you want to search and what you do not want to.
Choose and combine the proper words.
If you want your search to be in exact order of words you typed in, type it in Double quotes. Otherwise the Google may/may not jumble up the words.
The order in which you type your query effects your search results. So make sure you type exactly what you want. For example, if you are looking for an apple pie recipe, type it as “apple pie recipe” and not “recipe apple pie”.
Avoid using the words where, how, when etc. because Google will eliminate these words and your search speed will slow down. Divide your sentence into concepts
Combining words using logical operators.
AND: Search engine will retrieve the information that contains both terms.
OR: Search engine will retrieve the information that contains either of the terms.
NOT: If you want to exclude a particular term from your search
Brackets: Indicates the order of combining the terms. First the terms within the brackets are processed and then the one’s outside it.