Use SQL Queries to RDF

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Why don’t we use a Structured Query Language (SQL) or queries from X to Resource Description Framework (RDF) files query? Why does it need to enhance new query of words? And how fast could I work on the task item into the emails?

Best Answer by pritan1987
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Answered By 0 points N/A #95994

Use SQL Queries to RDF


RDF query language is a computer language that can be able to retrieve and manipulate data stored in resource Description Framework  format, it is a standard model for data interchange on the web.

And SQL is also standard language for relational database. We can use SQL query in RDF in only using some methods like.

RDF query after converted in SQL.

In exporting an RDF view of a relational database (or business process), it is rare that one would choose to export the actual implementation details. It is more likely that the exporter would have an abstract model of the data that would represent the interface provided by the exporter.

Agents outside of the exporter's administrative control would be invited to use this interface. The back end database would be mapped to the exported interface. For instance, W3C's access control system exports an RDF interface that exports RDF data and accepts Posted RDF data in a particular schema.

Once the data is translated from the exported interface is translated to the internal implementation-specific RDF schema, it must be translated to actually SQL queries.

Answered By 10 points N/A #95996

Use SQL Queries to RDF


Dear Pritan,

You gave an awesome solution. Thanks a lot for it. I am also thankful to techyv for their great management of solving the problems. I praise you all.

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