Update Server Not Available (Error:12)
Following steps surely help you-
1) First uninstall Google Chrome application from the applications folder;
2) After that delete folder HD/Library/Google
3) Than you should go to HD/Library/Caches and delete any reference of google there;
4) After that go to ~/Library/Cache and delete any reference to google;
5) Please delete the folder ~/Library/Google
6) Than go to ~/Library/Application/Support and delete the Google folder
Reinstall Google Chrome and try again.
Update Server Not Available (Error:12)
Hi there,
This problem seems to be hampering Mac users who use chrome quite of late.
To resolve this particular problem, you are going to have to use the terminal (sort of like a command prompt but a different flavor).
Anyway, the process is as follows,
1. On the finder menu at the top most part of your window, select Go–>Go to folder –>~/Library/Caches.
2. Delete the following files "com.google.Keystone" and com.google.UpdateEngine.
3. Update Chrome.
If the error still shows up, follow these steps by the letter,
1. Close chrome and any other google applications.
2. Select utilities in the Applications Menu
3. Execute the Terminal
4. Run this command in the terminal "~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/
Contents/Resources/GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent.app/Contents/Resources/install.py –uninstall
5. Now copy/paste the following command onto the terminal,
sudo /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/
GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent.app/Contents/Resources/install.py –uninstall
6. Then, download the Google Software Update installer.
7. Execute the downloaded software.
8. Â Inside the disk image, execute the .pkg installer, and follow on-screen instructions to reinstall the Software Update.
9. Eject the disk image.
10. Restart Chrome