In Unix, what is tar, and how do I use it?

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In Unix, what is tar, and how do I use it?

Best Answer by lee hung
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Answered By 75 points N/A #94265

In Unix, what is tar, and how do I use it?


  1. Initiate meeting(session) in the team(equipment) Unix, Linux or BSD from the commands line(figure) by means of the credentials of an account that has permissions to use the utility TAR.
  2. Scribe ‘cd/home/account/tarfiledirectory’ and touch key ‘Enter’, substituting ‘/home/account(count)/tarfiledirectory’ with the route of the directory where the file ‘TAR’ is.
  3. Scribe ‘tar – xvf tarfile.tar’ and press the key ‘Enter’, substituting ‘tarfile.tar’ with the name of the file ‘TAR’ he(she) wants to decompress. Exit(Departure) of line(figure) of commands will appear and to provide feedback on the process of extraction of files and the files contained in the file ‘TAR’ will appear in the current directory. If the command ‘tar’ shows an error or does not work, proceed to the following step.
  4. Type ‘to look / – for name tar’ and touches the key ‘Enter’. Exit(Departure) of line(figure) of commands from the command to ‘Look’ will show the route of the directory of the utility ‘tar’. Bear in mind the exact route of the utility ‘tar’.
  5. Type ‘/usr/bin/tar – xvf tarfile.tar’ and press the key ‘Enter’, replacing ‘/usr/bin / ‘with the way the utility of ‘tar’ that it was exhibited by the exit(departure) of the command to ‘Look’ and substituting ‘tarfile.tar’ with the name of the file real(royal) ‘TAR’. The content of the file ‘TAR’ will appear in the current directory.
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Answered By 10 points N/A #94266

In Unix, what is tar, and how do I use it?



“Tar” this is very common and very useful word in Linux environment. Actually this is a command. And also it is a file extension. Tar is a basic word of command.

We can use is with adding several letters and words to do various works. In Windows we can see .RAR or .ZIP files. In Linux those kind of compressed files extension is .tar.

In Linux you can exact these kinds of files by right click on the file we want. Here are some commands allocated with the tar command.

Here are some additional details about the tar files.

Thank you.

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