Please help me to fix the error ‘un defined reference to f – xargc’. Also the underscore problem is to be solved.
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Undefined reference problems are occurring
Hi Landon,
What you may want to do is to add a C function on your code which will define and assign xarg and xargc. You would also need to add a call to the C function. It may look like the below:
       int   xargc;
       char **xargv;
       extern int   __argc_save;
       extern char **__argv_save;
       void zarg_() {         /* call zarg() from fortran */
           xargc = __argc_save;
           xargv = __argv_save;
Another step you may want to try is to recompile the file farg.f with ‘pgf77 –c’ and make sure to add the object to the link before –lmpich. You may need to add a second underscore to your code. See below:
integer function mpir_iargc()
     mpir_iargc = iargc()
     subroutine mpir_getarg( i, s )
     integer      i
     character*(*) s
     call getarg(i,s)