Unable to Remove Photoscape 3.5

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have been struggling with my dilemma on removing my Photoscape 3.5 on my computer.

I already moved on using Adobe Photoshop so I need to delete Photoscape to free some space on my system.

But every time I attempt to remove it, I am getting Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error.

What should I do to fix it?

Best Answer by Crawly math
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #122712

Unable to Remove Photoscape 3.5


Method 1:

Did you uninstall Microsoft C++ program and then tried to uninstall the PhotoScape 3.5? If yes, then try installing the Microsoft Visual C++. After installing the C++ try uninstalling the PhotoShop 3.5. If everything is okay then it will uninstall successfully.

Method 2: D

Delete the PhotoScape 3.5 from c:program files folder. Then Click the Start button. Click run & then type regedit > Press Enter.

In the Registry editor box, click on Edit menu and then click on Find. Type PhotoScape 3.5 and click search. Delete all the information related to PhotoScape 3.5. Exit Registry editor.

Restart the Computer and you will be free from PhotoScape 3.5.


Crawly math

Answered By 0 points N/A #122713

Unable to Remove Photoscape 3.5


Like the installation of any software application, it is easier to remove that software from your computer. If you install any PhotoShop software that is not removing from your computer.

First go to the control panel, then click add or remove software.

Then click on your destinated program and click uninstall button to erase it.

After though if it does not work then go to the local disc, where  all your set up files placed at, then find out and click on your required file and delete it as like you delete any files.It will be removed from your computer

Answered By 590495 points N/A #323211

Unable to Remove Photoscape 3.5


If you can’t uninstall PhotoScape because of the Visual C++ runtime error, try installing or updating Visual C++. Download Microsoft Visual C++ runtime components from the following and see which one works:

If your operating system lacks the required Service Pack update, download the required Service Pack update from the following:

For Windows 8, you should update to Windows 8.1 from the Windows Store. After updating or installing Visual C++, try uninstalling PhotoScape again.

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