Unable to find suitable output format for .mpg

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I want to convert a series of 60 720X576 pixel images (the filenames are arranged in order from tc_00.gif to tc_59.gif) into a 60 second MPEG2 video at a 2920kb/s rate. After which, I need to transmit the video using Digital Amateur TV (D-ATV) mixed with a transport stream. My encoding command line is “ffmpeg -i tc_%02d.gif -r 1 -y -an -vcodec mpeg2video -b 2920kb -r 25 -s 720×576 TC_ZL3JVX.mpg.” However, I am receiving the following error message during the encoding process: “Unable to find a suitable output format for TC_ZL3JVX.mpg.” What should I do to get rid of the error message? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Answered By 5 points N/A #115699

Unable to find suitable output format for .mpg


Hi Martina

Try this by narrowing the command “ffmpeg -i tc_%02d.gif -r 1 -y -an -vcodec mpeg2video -b 2920kb -r 25 -s 720×576 TC_ZL3JVX.mpg.” like: ffmpeg -i tc_%02d.gif TC_ZL3JVX.mpg

And then keep adding terms until you get your complete command i.e. ffmpeg -i tc_%02d.gif -r 1 -y -an -vcodec mpeg2video -b 2920kb -r 25 -s 720×576 TC_ZL3JVX.mpg

Alternatively you can also try to make a movie without specifying any codec and once it done transcode the same move file as per desired requirement. Or you also can use converter which converts individual frames into jpgs. This will resolve your problem.

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