Unable to export files from Light Wave 9.6 to Vue 7

I’m facing some problems when attempting to get obj and lwo files exported from Light Wave to open again in Vue as well as in Light Wave. I am created these objects in Lightwave 9.6 prior to exporting them as .obj files. I find that these files open without any issues in poser and in hexagon. But attempting to reopen them in either Light Wave or in Vue gives a distorted version of the image with dark seams on the exported object. I tried to work around this by exporting it from hexagon as an OBJ. And now when I try and open them in vue I get the following error message stating that the file could not be read. This workaround however removed the issues in reopening the image in Light Wave. I am hoping someone could suggest a method to enable me to work with exported objects in Vue. Thanking you for all the solutions in advance.

Vue 7 Complete
Unable to read file C:UsersRich-PotterDocumentsModelsFarmhousetrial3house1.obj.