Hi troubleshooters,
I am gamer, hunted for this game Assassin’s Creed 2 and installed it in my computer. After installation when I am started the game it gave me an error message. To my knowledge I did not made any mistake while installation. So I tried million times to re-install this game, no luck. How do I fix this? Your help is appreciated.
Ubisoft Game Launcher:
There was aproblem starting your game, the Ubisoft Game Launcher was notfound. Please try re-installing the game. Error code is 2.
The Ubisoft Game Launcher was not found
Hi Ophelia,
The steps to solve this error are as mentioned below:
1) Click 'Start', Select 'Run' from the list
2) Type 'regedit' and the registry editor window will open
3) Delete the key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARENodeUbisoftLauncher' from the list of keys
4) Restart the system and perform the reinstall the software in the system
5) Install the software from the path 'SteamsteamappscommonFar Cry3SupportGame Launcher'
6) After the installation is complete, restart the system
The Ubisoft Game Launcher was not found
Hello Ophelia ,
As well this technique you can also solve this problem another way too. To get this process you have to go this Techyv.com page.
The Splinter Cell Conviction video game