Track of all transactions going through our database server

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

We want to keep track of all transactions going through our database server as we are administering a database server using SQL Server 2005. Can you suggest of a program, software or application that can keep track of those transactions? We plan to create a .net application to gather all the information (select, update, create, insert) contained in our database and its objects as well as the users that trigger these actions.

Answered By 5 points N/A #87226

Track of all transactions going through our database server


SQL Server contains at a command that will help you keep track of the transaction logs. You can run this command so as to see the current size of the transaction logs and also the amount of space is currently being utilized. That command is the following:

DBCC SQLPERF(logspace). 

It is a very simple command and it is simply run and interpret it too, and is the key to help you get to understand how your transaction logs are being used. In the event that you run this command at different times then you will be able to see the Log Space Used (%) increase and decrease, but that will depend entirely on the activity in your database, the recovery model that is being used and also whether you are running transaction log backups. 

-Expert techyv

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