The 3d Game INI Fixation Program

What is 3dmgame INI? How can I fix 3dmgame.INI? I am trying to find the solution, but the error is reoccurring again. Please help me.

What is 3dmgame INI? How can I fix 3dmgame.INI? I am trying to find the solution, but the error is reoccurring again. Please help me.
The 3dmgame.jni is a standard for configuration files some platforms. The 3dmgame.ini are text files having a basic structure composed of sections, properties, and values. The INI file has served as the primary mechanism to configure the system. It has helped us through the fonts, start-up and also in booting Windows. INI files are also used to store individual settings. The Windows NT Microsoft after introducing the registry began to steer developers away from using INI filed for configuration.
This 3dmgame occur may be due to the sudden shutdown or some file that has been deleted or are missing, which lead to crash and display of errors. You can fix this error by downloading Antivirus which will remove the viruses and malware that id infecting your computer. Reinstall your program, you can update the drivers for almost any hardware that may be related to Dll errors. Clean your registry and optimize your computer. You can reinstall or reset or repair Windows that can help you revert your data if some corruption occurs.