Tell me more about homepage creator jQuery.

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -


Hi to everyone,

Tell me more about homepage creator jquery. The company is hiring web development programmers and java programmers, we are on one team. We were given an assignment to create the homepage part for the business company website.  I need some way to properly understand it.


Your suggestion is very much welcome.

Answered By 0 points N/A #187532

Tell me more about homepage creator jQuery.


Hello there,


jQuery is a library of Java script that could help us simplify HTML document creation. With jQuery, you can make a web more easier and faster easily. A lot of plug in provided in jQuery will help you to automate common works.

Some feature that offered on jQuery are:

  • Simplifying web page access and edit.
  • Easy edit of CSS.
  • Adding animation to your webpage
  • Easy use of AJAX


Hope this helps.


Stonjhon Llison

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