Store the location of photos in mySQL table

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I want to store my site user’s photo in a folder. And want to store the location of the photo’s in a mysql table. But I can’t know the procedure. Who can help me to store that photo’s in mysql using php.

Its very helpful for me. Please give me the instruction in details.

Answered By 0 points N/A #114354

Store the location of photos in mySQL table


Steps to Upload Picture:

1- Upload the user's photo in a folder with the help of a php script that can easily be found on internet.

2- That name of the file will be saved in the variable.

3- You will give a path according to the home directory of the website in PHP Script to which the Photo has to be uploaded

4- Concatenate the Path with the Uploaded File Name

5- After the file is Uploaded Successfully , Save the Path Concatenated in 4th step to the MySql Table with Insert Query.

6- Else if some sort of error occurs in uploading print that error on screen

6- You are done at all.


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