Stop pop up windows when browsing

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I'm tired of closing all windows that is popping up whenever I search the net,

Is there any possible way to stop it ?

Or to prevent it ?

Best Answer by Tunacao_Caaron1
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #110371

Stop pop up windows when browsing


Hey Jeremy ngo!

Yes! There is a way to block the pop-up windows. It depends on your browsers that how can you disable pop – up windows.

You have not mentioned the browser that you are using.

So, I am going to tell the method to disable pop-up windows for IE, Mozilla and Opera.

Internet Explorer.

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click on Tools button and select Internet Options.

3. Click on Privacy Tab. In pop-up Blocker section, Check the option "Block Pop-ups"

4. Click on Ok button and you are done.

Mozilla Firefox:

1. Open Mozilla Firefox.

2. Click on Tools button and select options

3. Click on Content Tab and check the option for Block Pop-ups.

4. Click on Ok and you are done.


1. Open Opera.

2. Click on Tools button and select Preference.

3. In General Tab under "Chose how you prefer to handle Popups: section, select "Block Unwanted Pop-ups from the small drop down arrow.

4. Click on Ok and you are done.


Answered By 0 points N/A #110373

Stop pop up windows when browsing


Firefox permits you to control pop-ups through the Content panel in the Options window.

By default Pop-up blocking is turned ON, so you don't have to worry about allowing it to stop pop-ups from showing in Firefox.

When blocking a pop-up, Firefox shows an information bar as well as an icon in the location bar. See Figure 1 below:

When you click the Options button in the info bar or the icon button in the location bar, a menu is displayed with these options See Figure 2:

Allow/Block pop-ups for this site

Edit Pop-up Blocker Options

Don't show info bar when pop-ups are blocked

(show the blocked pop-up)

Here you can manage your pop-up setting to Allow or block as you desired so.

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