Asked By
7060 points
Posted on - 04/07/2012
I have an Access database and I want to connect it to the VB 6.0 application and then run query to edit, alter , create, select records. How to do this.
SQL query run on VB 6.0
You are up with a simple set of connecting databases and run SQL queries..
You can run queries using ADCDC, ADODB, ODBC etc, connections.
I shall narrate the use with ADODB connections.
Private Sub cmdXXX_click()
dim con as new ADODB.connection
dim rs as new ADODB.recordset
con.connectionstring = (“ <specify connection string>”)
set rs = con.execute(“<SQL Query>”)
End Sub
The connection string is a set of the database location, username, password, locks and other parameters separated by colons.
You need to add the references by clicking Project-> references. Check the Microsoft active X 2.1 library and click OK.
All ADODB controls get activated on the references feature.
SQL query run on VB 6.0
Below mentioned is a method that can be used to connect to an Access database using ADOdb. Follow this initial steps before working on the code.
First, in the Project menu, choose 'References' and check the 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x Library'. Also select 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x Recordset Library
2.6 works fine.
Also choose the installed version of 'Microsoft Data Access Components'
Now work on the code:
Sub Get_Accountno()
Dim Conn as ADODB.Connection
Dim Rs as ADODB.Recordset
Dim strQuery As String
Set Conn = New ADODB.Connection
With Conn
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.ConnectionString= "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:MyPathmyDatabase.mdb"
End With
strQuery = "SELECT Accountno FROM tblTable " & _
"WHERE Username = 'BillK'"
Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With Rs
Set .ActiveConnection = Conn
.CursorType = adOpenStatic
.Source = strQuery
End With
Set txtAccountno.DataSource = Rs
With txtAccountno
.DataField = "Accountno"
End With
Set Rs = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
Hope this would be helpful. Regards!