Setup Secure Connection Via Internet Options Settings And Enjoy Safe Surfing!

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello experts! I need to change a few security settings for my 7-year-old. But the problem is that wherever I look for the settings, they instruct to open the ‘internet options settings’ dialogue box. I am not a computer savvy person. I don’t know how to open that particular dialogue box. Please guide me. Thanks in advance!

Answered By 10 points N/A #293699

Setup Secure Connection Via Internet Options Settings And Enjoy Safe Surfing!


Hey! There can be two ways to reach the desired ‘internet options settings’ dialogue box. Both the procedures are listed below. Let’s go by the easier way first:

  1. Internet Explorer method: Follow this procedure:
    1. OpenInternet Explorer.
    2. Select Toolsoptionfrom the menu bar.
    3. Now, go forInternet options.
  2. Control panel method: to follow the control panel method, follow these steps:
    1. Click on thestart button on your home screen.
    2. Go on and select control panel from the list.
    3. Now a screen with various categories will appear. Select network and internet connections.
    4. Tap on the internet options

Now, you have reached the internet options settings. You can further go to security options and manage the options accordingly.

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