I want to play games without any interruption by the programs running in the background. So I am searching for the proper usage of avast to turn on or off the silent gaming mode. Please tell me where to search for the use of avast to silent gaming mode.
Search for the use of avast to silent gaming mode
To play games without any interruption by the programs running in the background you need to read the points appended below. Regarding proper usage of Avast to turn on or off the silent / gaming mode – go to setting, then turn on silent / gaming mode. Then go to the “Main overview page” and click on “turn off” there.
This way you van set your required options. This is the standard way to the achieve the goal. However, if you face any problem regarding this visit https://forum.avast.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=8m961qk70c257supah9725ssn6;. Here you can find your required solution and suggestions. It will be ok.
I hope you understand it.
Search for the use of avast to silent gaming mode
Hi Christinajstroud,
Avast antivirus is always working in background. You can use this setting to turn on/off the Silent/Gaming mode:
Open Avast antivirus.
Click on program setting.
Click on Silent/Gaming mode
After turning on the Silent/Gaming mode it will scan links and pages. And if find any Bug it will show message "Silent mode is on". Fix the Bugs and again back in silent mode. Another alternate is that you can Disable all Notifications.
Search for the use of avast to silent gaming mode
Hello Christina,
To turn the Avast antivirus gaming mode on or off, you will need to use the following procedure:
Open the antivirus interface, and the go to settings.
After that go to silent/gaming mode and then choose the option you want – either on or off.
After that you will go to the main overview page and then hit on/off there.
Close the interface and then open it again to refresh the settings.
If that does not fix the issue, the problem may be with the antivirus application. It could be corrupt or having a bug that is preventing it from working properly. You will therefore need to uninstall it and then reinstall it.
Hope this helps.
Search for the use of avast to silent gaming mode
1.Go to your Avast Antivirus in your system tray, desktop and in your application.
2. Open it.
3. Go to your “Current Status” tab.
4. You will see in there Silent/Gaming mode on as a default.
5. There is a dropdown menu that will let you choose to ON and OFF it whenever you like.
But I do strongly suggest that you also have to adjust your gaming setting. It is the game setting mode that you have to configure to avoid any interruptions. Go to your game setting and find for the volume or music background or screen saver background. And in addition you can also disable your Avast antivirus for a while when you are playing just to be sure that there are no interruptions from your antivirus and just enable it after your done with the game. I hope this suggestion will help you.