SampleGrabberis not registered error on CapDVHS

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I'm trying to record through Firewire with IEEE 1394. I followed the steps on a certain website and then plugged in my firewire cable to DT100. However, starting the CapDVHS to enable the STOP and REC buttons doesn't work. A unfamiliar error appears and I'm not sure what it means and how I can fix it. Can someone please send me some help and fix this issue? Thank you in advance.


SampleGrabberies not registered.

For the record, I am running Windows 7 x64 and I'm not sure if someone here already tried to capture using a JVC 30K machine with CapDVHS to Windows 7 x 64. And I'm not even sure if this will really work.

Answered By 5 points N/A #199782

SampleGrabberis not registered error on CapDVHS




The error essentially stems from a missing lib file; qedit.dll. It is also a result of the way firewire techonology works, which involves networking rather than simple connections. The best solution to this problem is to perform this task using a machine running Windows XP as that is known to be compatible with this technology and task. Another option is to explore other capture options that are less reliant on hardware.

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