Restoring Factory Hard Drive Capacity

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I want to know How to Restore Factory Hard Drive Capacity

Best Answer by lee hung
Answered By 75 points N/A #86304

Restoring Factory Hard Drive Capacity

  • 1

    Check hard drive jumpers. Consult with the manufacturer's instructions or online support to set jumpers to the correct positions. If jumpers aren't set correctly, you could be sacrificing hard drive capacity.

  • 2

    Check disk partitions. Run the Windows Disk Management console to see if there is any extra space that is not used in any partition. A program like Partition Magic can also help you accomplish this task. Running "fdisk" from DOS can also show your computer's partitions and free space. You'll need your Windows CD or a startup diskette to start the computer in DOS (if your computer even has a diskette drive anymore). If you do find a large chunk of free space that is not included in any partition, you can format it and it will be usable in Windows as a second or third partition.

  • 3

    Download the HDD Capacity Restore utility and install it. When the program loads, click on the hard drive in the device list and the program will auto-restore your factory capacity by restoring LBA48, HPA and DCO settings to defaults.

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Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 75 points N/A #86305

Restoring Factory Hard Drive Capacity


Hello Robe,

To restore factory hard drive capacity, you need to format drives to get rid of all the software and other programs that you have installed on your system. When you format the drives you get rid of all the programs and what you are left with is the operating system. You can install other programs on the computer that you might need to use thereafter, for instance ms office, adobe reader and other crucial programs.

To format your system, you just get an operating that you want for instance XP or windows 7,  then insert the CD that it is on in the computer DVD drive, then restart the computer. The OS will prompt you till the end.


Lee Hung

Answered By 15 points N/A #86306

Restoring Factory Hard Drive Capacity




You need to delete all the partitions that were made on the hard drive and have it formatted to obtain back all of its space like it was new. You have several options on how to format the hard drive. You can have an operating system installer and use its disk partitioning tool to have all the partitions deleted and then have the entire hard drive formatted using what file system you might prefer. You can connect the hard drive to a system (as slave/secondary drive) that already has a running operating system then use that operating system’s disc management tool to format the hard drive.


Thank you. Hope this helps.


Clair june

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