Asked By
marsh marsh
0 points
Posted on - 10/17/2013
I was playing back a quick macro on the Quick Macro Software and got the error shown below. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
This macro file contained the following error and will be unloaded
Error message:
Line 12: An unknown error occurred.
Would you like to edit the file?
Quick Macro Software shows error
QMacro or Quick Macro is a smart application that allows you to record, replay, and edit mouse and keyboard macros. It has a user friendly script editing user interface best for beginners so you can immediately create macros. It is also equipped with programmable macro script editing interface best for professional programmers to construct macros in Visual Basic Script.
You can even use Quick Macro to automate anything in Windows. If you want to download the installer again, visit Quick Macro 6.5. I think Microsoft Visual Studio encountered a problem while running your macro. Here is an example of a macro that you can record using Microsoft Visual Studio.
This macro, when run, will add a new class in a project. See the macro below.
Sub MakeBubba()
DTE.ItemOperations.AddNewItem _
(“Visual C# ItemsCodeClass”, “Bubba.cs”)
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown(False, 8)
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.CharRight(False, 5)
DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text = “// bubba class”
End Sub
Here is another example of a macro that will help you move or navigate between the header and the source file in Microsoft Visual C++. See below.
Sub FileSwitch()
Dim CurrentPath As String = DTE.ActiveDocument.FullName
Dim OtherPath As String
If (IO.Path.HasExtension(CurrentPath)) Then
Dim CurrentExtension As String = IO.Path.GetExtension(CurrentPath)
Select Case CurrentExtension
Case ".h", ".hpp", ".hxx"
OtherPath = IO.Path.ChangeExtension(CurrentPath, ".cpp")
If (Not IO.File.Exists(OtherPath)) Then
OtherPath = IO.Path.ChangeExtension(CurrentPath, ".c")
If (Not IO.File.Exists(OtherPath)) Then
OtherPath = IO.Path.ChangeExtension(CurrentPath, ".cxx")
End If
End If
Case ".cpp", ".c", ".cxx"
OtherPath = IO.Path.ChangeExtension(CurrentPath, ".h")
If (Not IO.File.Exists(OtherPath)) Then
OtherPath = IO.Path.ChangeExtension(CurrentPath, ".hpp")
If (Not IO.File.Exists(OtherPath)) Then
OtherPath = IO.Path.ChangeExtension(CurrentPath, ".hxx")
End If
End If
Case Else
End Select
If (OtherPath <> Nothing) Then
End If
End If
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
End Sub