Question about excel cell formatting?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -
I've been trying to figure this out, I have three columns of data A,B and C. What I want to do is this, if the cell in column B and C contain data, I need to change the color of the text in the corresponding row in column A. (Green for B, Blue for C and Yellow for both)

how can I format this?

Best Answer by joseph21
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Answered By 0 points N/A #90103

Question about excel cell formatting?



First of all, select the data or group of cells you want to format, you can select the entire row, or even a single cell.

On the toolbar, Under "HOME" that's in case you're using office 2007 or 2010. Click on font button, represented by letter A as shown below in the picture

A color bar will pop-down and you will then;

Select a color of your choice and it will automatically fill the color in the selected area. 

In case you're using older versions of office, still, click on font tab in the toolbar and select to apply any color you wish.

Hope it works out for you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #90105

Question about excel cell formatting?



You can do this by using few options in Microsoft Excel .I will take an example in order to explain this.

In the following table contains data in column A, B, C.

First apply the filter option to the entire excel sheet.

Select the entire work sheet and click on the filter option in data tab.




Now click on the filter button in the column B heading and click on the tick of the “select all” to untick all.

Then tick on the “blanks “tick box and click ok.



Now select the data in column A and click on the arrow of the font color option then select blue color and click ok.




Now make the filter to select all and filter blank cell in column C as above. And Make the font color of the data green.




Again make the filter select all and select all data in column B except Blanks as follows.




In the same way, select all in Column C except blanks.

Now select all the data in column A and change the font color to yellow.

Now remove the filer then you can have the font colors as you wish.



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