Programs to use in UNIX to run messengers and games

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I demand to reach several people using AIM and MSN messenger. Is there any Linux version which can use to run windows programs like messengers and games via Wine? Or in any way, can you recommend me such programs to do the task?

Best Answer by Predator
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Answered By 0 points N/A #114870

Programs to use in UNIX to run messengers and games




Linux is a good operating system and we can reduce their weakness.

In the Linux you cannot use AIM and MSN. But alternatively you can use another good messenger like KMess, Ekiga or Kopete. Not available any version of Linux that compatible with Windows and run software like Windows.

You can find games that compatible with Linux Like – Free Mega Games Pack, OpenTTD on openSUSE and Play on Linux etc.

You can find more programs and games that compatible with Linux.

If you have any problem, Don’t hesitate to ask here.


Answered By 10 points N/A #114871

Programs to use in UNIX to run messengers and games




Hi Michael,

WINE software is a better option to use Windows programs on Linux/Unix.

Following are the programs that run really well on Linux/Unix through WINE:

1. Games – Final Fantasy X!, Warhammer Online Live, World of Warcraft 3.1X, Magic the gathering online 3.x, EVE online 6.13x,

2. Multimedia – MediaMonkey, Adobe LightRoom 2.3, Adobe Audition 1.5, Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard, Dragon Naturally Speaking 9.0 Preferred,

3. Messenger – Windows Live Manager 8.5, Windows Live Messenger.

I will advise you to go through all programs by running it. Enjoy!


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