Possible virus on cell phone causing crashing

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Is it possible to have a virus on a cell phone that is causing crashing of my phone?  I am hoping to not have to buy a new phone or buy anti-virus software for my Android, but I keep having a repeat issue.  I am using the phone, and it just shuts down.  The battery is fully charged, and I can't find other concerns.  Is it possible it is a virus or more likely an issue with the phone itself?  Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #191123

Possible virus on cell phone causing crashing

Yes it can be cause of virus installed in cell phone. For safe your data and mobile protection you have to install antivirus in your android phone. But it can be causes of software issue. Check that you have latest update of android. first, You should install antivirus in your mobile. And after that scan your mobile. Then check your phone that it will work or not. If not then visit your service center for software and hardware issue. There are following antivirus for android.
1. 360 Security (Free)
2. Avast! Mobile Security
3.ESET Mobile Security & Antivirus
4.Avira Antivirus Security

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