Plugging Laptop to Power Supply with Fully-charged Battery

Is it still good to connect the laptop to a power source with battery that is fully-charged? Is it not detrimental to my laptop battery?

Is it still good to connect the laptop to a power source with battery that is fully-charged? Is it not detrimental to my laptop battery?
Hi Danny I. Sanders,
   Well, connecting the laptop to a power source with battery that is fully-charged or should I say overcharging maybe harmful to the computer, and maybe not. Theoretically, it cannot be harmful to the laptop battery. You see, laptop batteries which are lithium batteries have chips which control excessive energy; thus, preventing it from overcharging. It can also be harmful. For some reasons, overcharging your laptop battery can shorten the lifespan of your battery especially when it is charged for more than a day. It is because overcharging can eventually lead to overheating, but it only happens if excess energy is allowed to enter. You see, abnormal temperatures can actually harm your laptop.
Just in case, I suggest you avoid charging your laptop even though it is full.
>>Mathew Joni<<