Is Hunter Digital's No Hand Mouse helped to carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers? How to click on this and what are the features of that? Can it be used on Macintosh computers? Which operating system is needed to use this? Is there any USB connection available? How many padals are there? What are the Dimensions of padals?
Please say about Hunter Digital’s No Hand Mouse
This mouse consists of 2 foot pedals, each one is 25.4 x 3.8 x 10.2 centimeters big. One foot pedal works as the left and right mouse buttons, and the other foot pedal works as the cursor.Â
The pedal that is equivalent to the left mouse button works when the pedal is clicked towards the toe end, and when the pedal is clicked towards the heel, it is the equivalent of the right mouse button. This is great for computer users who suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).
It can be used on Windows and Mac computers – for Windows you will need Windows XP or later and for Mac you will need OS 10 or later.
The mouse connects via the USB port to your computer and is very easy to set up.