PL SQL convert Big5 to UTF8

I am having a table with Chinese data with Big5 characters. Will PL SQL convert Big5 to UTF8, Please support me, so that I can get a solution for this conversion method.

I am having a table with Chinese data with Big5 characters. Will PL SQL convert Big5 to UTF8, Please support me, so that I can get a solution for this conversion method.
The solution to this problem lies in Convert Function of Oracle/PLSQL which is a built-in function of this server. This function can convert a string from one character set to another.
The syntax of the Convert function is
CONVERT( string1 , char_set_to , [ char_set_from ] )
String1 is the string to be converted.
Char_set_to is the character set to convert to.
Char_set_from is the character set to convert from.
You can convert Big5 to UTF8 online following this link: